Improving Business After An Accident   |

Insurance Agents.


What we do:

Our service offers-

Quicker claim settlement | No supplement costs | No DV claims

We provide a benefit to vehicle owners and insurance companies by giving customers the ability to replace a non-total-loss vehicle after an accident.

Our goal is to never let a customer have any loss of value due to an accident. Ever.

  • No loss of value due to a bad CARFAX.™
  • Peace of mind, no safety concerns.

How we do it:

Our check for damaged car + check for repair estimate = full book value (ACV)

  • ACV based off of real-time market data from NADA.
  • We focus on vehicles 2012 and newer with ACV’s of $20,000 and higher.

We convert most vehicles with damage estimates 25% of ACV and higher.

We guarantee the purchase of vehicles with damage 40% of ACV and higher,
giving the customer full book price for their vehicle. They replace it with no loss of value.

How we help you:

Our goal is to help companies and agents improve their customer satisfaction and profitability by offering the ACS benefit. Satisfied Customer = Successful Agent.

It has never been more important to satisfy customers than it is today.

Similar to when a vehicle is totaled, we remove the liability of extra costs and unhappy customers by:

  • Settling claims faster and improving the customer service experience
  • Improving retention and referrals.
  • Improving profit due to no costly diminished value claims, no supplement costs and no post-repair expenses.


For more information, please contact us at 1-844-401-AUTO (2886) Or email directly

Click here to learn about our Total Loss Program

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