Improving Business After An Accident   |

CS Preferred Partner.


How we help you:

We enable customers to trade in their damaged vehicle at your dealership and receive full NADA clean trade in value. Your dealership is paid for the vehicle the same day it is traded in, efficiently helping you sell another vehicle and improve your customer service.

  • Vehicles with over 40% damage will automatically qualify for our service, and a salesperson for the dealership can be automatically notified through CCC or other software from the dealerships body shop.
  • In states where sales tax credit is given for trade ins, we ensure the customer receives full value  on trade to maximize their tax savings.
  • Payments are made via wire transfer or ACH, other arrangements can be made as we understand every dealership is unique in their protocol.
  • Storage and tear down fees must be paid up until the day Claim Services purchases the vehicle, after that time we will take over storage if necessary.
  • Vehicle will be picked up in a timely manner, if a tow truck is needed to assist in loading, we will ask for references.

Benefits for Dealership:

We improve customer service and retention by providing the best service in the industry to your customer base.

  • Our process is hassle free for the customer and the dealer, we make it simple for them and we make the payment quickly to you.
  • More profit- Helps reduce the negotiations on price for your vehicle, buyer will appreciate the opportunity and eager to make a transaction at full price.
  • More streams of revenue
  • Front end and back end profit-financing, warranties, etc.

Dealerships with Collision Repair Shops:

Collision Shops with Direct Repair Programs are under high pressure today to maintain customer satisfaction and improve cycle time. We provide options to improve efficiency and overall performence by:

  • Improving CSI ratings with Direct Repair Programs for those unpleasant customers that will not give you a good rating.
  • Removing a vehicle from the pool that will affect cycle time (a high priority), especially due to excessive wait time for back ordered parts.
  • Providing an acceptable alternative to those customers who do not want to drive a repaired vehicle and will not be satisfied even with OEM quality repair work.
  • Proving that your company’s number one priority is customer service.


For more information, please contact us at 1-844-401-AUTO (2886) Or email directly

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